Our Store

What you can expect when you walk through the door - a warm welcome, knowledgeable staff, fantastic selection of products.

Committed To Quality

At Mountain Goodness, we understand the demands of juggling everyday life while staying committed to providing the best for yourself and your loved ones.

We spend time carefully researching everything we carry on the shelves; we’ve read the labels, researched the ingredients, built strong relationships with our awesome suppliers, and met the inspirational makers to ensure that each product meets our rigorous standards for quality and aligns with our values.

We know our customers value quality and consistency, and we work hard to stock the products you need week after week.

Whether you’re shopping for organic groceries, seeking inspiration for kids’ lunches, or simply looking for a welcoming place to connect, we’re here for you.

Our team listens to your suggestions, keeps you updated on new arrivals, and offers alternatives when products are in short supply—all with the goal of making your life just a little more Good.

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We can order in special items, got something in mind? Just ask!

Staff Picks

Product description?

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A message from the owner

“Mountain Goodness is built on relationships. We take the time to listen, check in, and create a space where our customers feel supported and safe to share.”

Heather Hood